Elder Naisbitt, me, and Elder Merrill |
Familia y Amigos,
Que nota? I hope all has been
going well. This week has been super wild and I only got to work in my
area 1 full day, so that was great. The lord blessed us a lot and we were
super blessed on Sunday. I’ll let
you know what happened.
On Monday Elder Hartley and I went to
our district leaders area, and I did an interview for him. I did the
interview of the wife the night before but he wasn’t home so we had to go back
out super far to find him. He passed which was cool, so we were excited
for the District Leader because he is having a hard time right now. We
got the text during the day that we would be having consejo de lideres (zone
leader conference) the next day in Managua so we got ready for that.
On Tuesday it was consejo. We got
up nice and early to catch a bus to go to Managua, to be there at 8 in the
morning. It was fun to see some of my old companions there like Elder
Kleiner, Elder Roney, and Elder Naisbitt, along with Elder Collado and a couple
other friends like Elder Merrill and old zone leaders that I have had.
During the conference we talked about the mission and mostly got ready for the
mission conference we were going to be having with the North Mission on Saturday,
so that went well.
Wednesday we had a little problem, my
companion went home. That was sad so we wasted a lot of time getting him
ready to leave and everything. We are a trio right now, so our area is
really going to suffer here. We have to go to Boaco every week, so that
leaves our area empty every Friday, and also means that one companionship can’t
go and do divisions. We are trying to find members to work with but it’s
not working out so hot.
Thursday was the day that we had to
work in the area. We tried to find people to teach but it was a very
unsuccessful day. Frustrating. We are just trying to get the area
rolling but we have had setback after setback. Trying to find new people.
On Friday I spent my whole day trying
to get that family that we had interviewed earlier in the week baptized.
His mom from Spain called, a lot of resolving doubts and stuff went down, but
por fin (in the end) they got married and baptized. Our DL hadn’t even
arranged an abogado (lawyer) so I had to go through all of that to get them
legally married before the baptism. Count them as my converts ;). The elders from Bluefields came on Friday
too so it was cool chillin’ with Elder Olsen from my group por un ratito (for a
little while).
On Saturday we got up at 2:30am (I got
an hour of sleep) and we headed out to go to the conference. They asked
us to be there early so our mission could get up front, but we were super far away
so our seats weren’t the best. President Russell M. Nelson gave a great
talk, about how we as members can master the doctrine, and what topics we can
master. He went through the Guide to the Study of the Scriptures (GEE en
español) and went through the topics. I don’t think it exists so I am
going to tell you the topics in Spanish, sorry! They were, abraham,
convenio de (Abrahamic Covenant); caida de adan y eva (the Fall of Adam and
Eve); convenio (Covenants); expiacion (Atonement); familia (Family);
investidura (Endowment); jesucristo (Jesus Christ); (pretty sure I’m missing
some here); templo (Temple); vida eternal (Eternal Life). I will let you know
what the rest are next week. I would encourage you all to study them and
master them, just like I will be doing. That’s all that went down!
On Sunday we only had 6 people committed to church and we brought 7, don’t know
how that happened but it was awesome.
Things are going great, can’t believe I
hit 1 year this week, but I am loving the mission. I hope you all have a
great week, love you all!
Elder Hanson
Our investigator who cuts our hair. |